Track your day. Preferably the day before our BP call - keep a detailed journal* and write down literally every single thing you do and the times. DO NOT JUDGE YOURSELF. This is not to shame you or make you aware of some glaring issues in the way you are currently living your life. It IS a way to be honest with yourself about what your current behavior and current habits are. It is absolutely crucial to be honest with what you do every day (or at least most days) to see where you can start sneaking in new habits in a realistic and sustainable way.
*journal can in this case be the Notes app on your phone, an Excel spreadsheet, a literal notebook, whatever works - but the key is writing everything down in real time - not guesstimating at the end of the day.
We will talk about this in your call so be sure to commit to this! Consider it a part of your Being Accountable to yourself this month!