I will have accomplished by 10/22...
Look at schedule for working on transitions during the given week, blocking out time
get on the desk however many times per week
Create fail-safe options
Record: Low fade lead track, fade in 2nd track for all top 5 mixes
By this Sunday
Learn: 5 different transitions
By next Sunday 10/15
Record: Transition differently all top 5 mixes
By Friday 10/20
Record full set by Satuday 10/21
Party Logistix
Decide if you want other DJ’s to spin at party
If so, reach out to: Jeffrey, Anthony, Shan, Mark
By 10/15
Fail-safe: just you, dawg
Decide and book venue for dance party date
By Sunday 10/15
Fail-safe: live stream set
Create poster
By Sunday 10/22
Fail-safe: create partiful invite
Secure loud speakers, equipment
Test out audiology speakers?
By Sunday 10/29
discovering some fun shit experimenting and rewatching my recordings today🕺🏻
I have accomplished
Recording fade-in/transitions for all 5 top mixes
Recorded full set 2x