I will have completed for the rave:
record b2b with Jebz to post on invite/socials
today at 3pm
bar situation
check square account ready to go
by Monday 12/4/23
buy alcohol
Costco by Monday 12/4/23
hire bartender(s)
booking through Kai ✅
extend ticketing to public via Restless Nites, Into the Woods?
coordinating with RN rep; emailed to give him the go yesterday and if anything else needed like DJ bios, etc, for the listing
hire security guard
waiting on Kai about connects..
if no, enlist Al and/or Chuck as bouncer
if no, don’t extend ticketing to public
test equipment / sound check at venue
on 12/8/23
confirm again with owner on 12/4/23
continue recording and practicing every day after work
...and spin & get funky by 12/9/23