I, Vincent Ducarne, will have accomplished
by mid-month
1- Getting access to film a supercomputer for Vanished. . From the list I found of 500 supercomputers around the world, create a short list of at least 25 non governmental ones in the US and France (Create a table with names of programs and companies, websites and contact info of communication or media departments)
. send filming request to the 25 short-listed supercomputer facilities.
2. Organize a Sketch and Sip drawing session for late November (lock a day, a model and put event up on Meetup)
Second part of the month
3. - Write outlines of a fictional Podcast for intro sequence of Vanished
- for inspiration: source and listen to tech and science podcasts
4. Update linktree of the studio’s IG
2132 216 5963 / vincentducarne@gmail.com